"Paintings wildly joyous, colorful and mysterious, are left fluttering behind her like the fall leaves she enjoyed so much. As well, her sepias, a medium of more somber hues, do not depict anxiety and despair but are more suggestive of spirit in the human form, in the world, an energy of duration and flow which is palpable, especially when the works are viewed together. No destination, no truth. A meaning amorphous with distinct, ever-present wonder, an instinctive awe and so often a floating, a release from gravity. "Are we falling or are we rising?" as Gail said. "Sometimes a figure in a painting will begin as a falling one and turn into a rising figure by the end of the process." Her images pause, contemplate, without regard for the coming defeat of us all, though there is yearning. Gail's art is a passion to behold." - an exerpt from her Obituary
Gail Foster passed away unexpectedly on October 25, 2024.
"I can’t paint a dark figure. No matter what happens around the figure, there’s still that light from within. Knowledge is ultimately cellular and intuitive - it’s in our bodies. Art, if it’s to be truly good, needs to tap into that level of inner knowing, that inner light..." Gail Foster
Gail Foster is an Atlanta-based artist whose work is often exhibited in the Atlanta area. Foster’s work is motivated by an impassioned view of the human condition and by a joyful celebration of the power of the inner spirit. In addition to lifestyle and trade publications, Gail Foster’s art has been featured in one museum solo show, eight museum group exhibits, twenty solo private gallery exhibits, fifty-one private gallery group exhibits and thirty public collections. Foster is a proud artist, philanthropist, educator, and activist whose unique outlook will invigorate the course of her creations.
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